
Unless of course you'd like to pay for the official guided grand tour and give the nice man in robes up ahead one of your shiny Texas silver dollars for the admission fare?" Sod off, you damned little bastard! Someday you're going to tread on my last nerve and I'll banish your miserable scrawny hairy brown ass back home or else I'll donate you to the Imperial Zoo in San Francisco, as a megalomaniac example of a common domestic brownie with extreme delusions of grandeur ... and alcoholic tendencies!" Bring friends!" He giggled, being now entirely too smug for himself. Someday that smarmy little shit was going to get me killed! I was sure of it ... but it wasn't going to be dull when it happened! Sometimes the most useful thing a wizard can ever do is to die in such an appalling and regrettable manner that the story of his death is taught in schools as an object lesson and practical warning to others. More than one teacher had hinted that would be my own probable fate someday, but I. E-mail from an officer was never good and when it was from the Major it was even worse. I loaded the e-mail in the decryption program and walked back toward the bed. Masha smiled at me, then sat up and questioned, "Jack my love what is wrong?"I tried to hide my concern with a smile and replied, "It's just an e-mail from my Major and it's probably nothing."Masha jumped out of bed, threw on her robe and declared, "We need to see what is going on in Beslan." She turned on the TV and we both sat on the couch. Things had come to a standstill and I only assumed it was the time for negotiations.She held my hand and asked, "Jack do you think Ben will be safe without you?"I squeezed her hand and said, "Well, I taught him all I know so he should be fine if he doesn't go off halfcocked." This prompted a long explanation of what halfcocked meant. When we were finished Masha said something about being fully cocked and one thing lead to another...Flashback – Major M – Undisclosed baseDamn it's.
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