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She was just finishing up an email, when her panties began vibrating. "What the..." Lisa jumped, gasping in surprise. She looked over to see Rogue smiling, and holding up a tiny black remote. Her cheeks flushed from the vibrations on her sensitive lower lips. She did not want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was controlling her right now, so she continued to work. Five minutes later, the vibrations got stronger. She let a soft moan escape her lips and pushed down into her chair, trying to force the vibrations onto her neglected pink button. The minutes slowly went by, and with each one that passed the vibrations intensified. Her little pink lips were swollen, and her panties soaked. Little beads of sweat had formed in the cleavage between her breasts, and her breathing was raspy and quickened. Finally, at two minutes to five, the vibrations stopped. A small whimper of appreciation escaped her lips. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and looked up to see Rogue. We got in our flight suits before hurrying to get on the plane. The Pixie gave me a specific set of coordinates and directions to approach. We had an hour of flying to reach that place, and that was at over Mach-5.“My father wasn’t what humans call a Pixie but were more of a hybrid between a Fairy and Pixie. Just on the edge of womanhood, he had a human girl be his surrogate mother. Instead of only five inches tall, he was born at two pounds, with everything fully developed as expected for a human baby. He appeared to be an albino child, so no one questioned it when he grew nearly transparent white hair or was only three feet tall. Puberty gave him a one-foot-long, average girth dick, which made him odd, as he could suck much of his dick. You can imagine his popularity in freak shows since he also had blue cum. I’m the result of him breeding with what may have been a human-pixie hybrid. She died in childbirth when bringing me into the world,” The Pixie explained. “The girl’s family.
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