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School let out for the summer, leaving Kendall and Jackson with almost two months without work. They were being paid for those remaining two months but Jackson, being the kind and supportive fiance he was, took another job on the side to pick up hours. They were planning to move after the summer, and they needed all the money they could save. During this time, the girls stayed at their daycare, leaving Kendall alone during the day.Some days, Kendall found herself bored. Other days, she was grateful. Kendall had been working since she was twelve. Her mother, a single alcoholic more inclined to drink herself into a stupor than to support the family in any meaningful way, put all the pressure of adulthood on her teenage daughter. Sometimes, Kendall thinks that’s how she found herself as a teenage mother. With two children before nineteen, Kendall was afraid she would be alone for the rest of her life, or worse yet, trapped with the one of the men who put her in that situation.Kendall was. A family of three- a mother and her two daughters. The husband had passed away last year and they were apparently dirt poor. After a discussion, an appointment was fixed and I was to go to their house. The common acquaintance who had fixed this meeting made it clear that I could choose whichever girl I wanted for my wife. The only condition was that I had to pay Rs 2000 per month to the mother. 2000 was a laughable amount; I probably spend more during one night of whoring. Anyway, I decided to play along…The house where we went to was a hovel. The mother (cannot be more than 35) was so eager to please that she was almost incoherent. Out came the daughters- Pauline aged 19 and Betty aged 17. One look at both and my dick exploded. I made no effort to hide my bulge, such was my command of the situation. In fact, I made it a point to scratch it openly just to show my mastery. On closer inspection and I made sure that they realize that I was measuring the goods, I thought both girls would.
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